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images et descriptions du voyage

15 Apr

5ème Jour : Oxford

Publié par Romain Dernoncourt

Fifth day ... the days are going by so fast it is hard to believe that we are soon coming to the end of the trip. Today another early start and a longish drive to Oxford and its university, the oldest in England (we say, Cambridge will tell you a different story). First lecture of the morning - a visit to Christchurch, the largest if not the oldest college in Oxford, a college boasting a Cathedral church where the Bishop of Oxford officiates. Within these walls Alice in Wonderland saw the light of day, product of the fertile mind of a mathematics lecturer. Albert Einstein studied in the college for five years. More recently Harry Potter was filmed in the refectory. The group was impressed by the size of the college and its bookish atmosphere. Despite the crowds it is still magical. I am speaking as someone who has visited the college countless times. After lunch in the parks, a stroll into one of the more modern colleges, Wadham (17th century). We were taken around by a fellow of the college who has connections with a member of staff at college Eisen. This second visit allowed the students to get an idea of what is really like to be a student at Oxford.

Following some richly deserved free time in the streets of Oxford (more colleges or perhaps shops) we returned to our trusty bus and our patient driver Jerome for the trip back to the families in Weston. Bonne nuit et à demain.

5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford

Un repas toujours aussi ensoleillé dans le magnifique parc d'Oxford.

Le temps pour les garçons de faire un match de rugby avec une bouteille d'eau.

5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
5ème Jour : Oxford
Commenter cet article
Encore une très belle visite. Les enfants n'ont effectivement pas le temps de s'ennuyer. Ils vont revenir avec de beaux souvenirs plein la tête. Merci encore de nous faire partager ces bons moments. Profitez bien de ces derniers jours.
Ah yes! Oxford is certainly very beautiful and full of history…..I wonder how many souvenirs Charlotte will bring back!!!

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images et descriptions du voyage